Fire Safety

The use of body-worn cameras has shown that cameras may help de-escalate potentially volatile encounters.
The cameras may also provide important evidence in criminal and civil proceedings as well as resolving civilian complaints.

The applicationof Body Worn Camera are no longer limited to law enforcement, it has been widely used in many industries.

The Integrated Industries for Body Worn Camera include:

Fire Service \ Public Safety \ Prison Management \ Customs Inspection \ Medical Assistance \ Police & Military \ Construction \ Personal Security \ In-car Camera \ Outdoor sports 


RECMAN Camera Coordinated Fire Safety and Rescue Solutions

Firefighters will instead use the footage to support training, and to develop fire prevention and safety activities run by the service. 
“They will provide a valuable video resource to support learning and development and, ultimately, firefighter and public safety.”

Fire Service

As the smoke clears, the RECMAN network is ready to capture, document, and review what occurred at a fire scene.
Recording walkthroughs of investigations provides a seamlessworkflow that saves time and provides superior

RECMAN Camera Coordinated Fire Safety and Rescue Solutions

The purpose of body-worn cameras is to record enforcement, investigative and other encounters between the police and
the public.They provide a contemporaneous, objective record of these encounters, facilitate review of events by supervisors,
foster accountability, and encourage lawful and respectful interactions between the public and the police.


Fire Service Solutions

Body-Worn Cameras
Record from when your crew arrives on scene until the fire truck leaves with RECMAN connected in-car and body-worn cameras. Enjoy a full perspective of your company’s response, and enhance your decision-making capabilities with livestreaming  and real-time alerts.

Management System
Easily upload, manage, and share video during the investigation process with RECMAN Body-Worn Cameras. Configure the system to fit your processes with adjustable retention policies, user permissions, and more. Store other files, including photos and CCTV footage, and share directly with law enforcement officials and attorneys.

Command Center
Manage - Monitor - Command - Control

Fire race  Fire Drill  Fire inspection

Earthquake rescue Flood Relief Fire Rescue

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